How to Utilize Recognition Programs in the New Year

Employee recognition is an effective way to keep your work environment engaging and employees feeling motivated and appreciated. While important to a positive company culture, recognition does not need to be complicated. 

Here are a few ways that you can utilize employee recognition in 2023.

Reward Programs

Incorporating a reward program is an excellent way to immediately and specifically recognize members of your team. Providing a way to acknowledge each other furthers engagement and positive feelings.

There are many programs that allow for recognition:

  • Innovation – Compensate for new ideas brought forward while also ensuring long-term success by meeting the changing needs of the marketplace.
  • Wellness - Encourage healthy lifestyles, reducing health care costs and absenteeism while improving employee productivity.
  • Productivity - Being recognized for contributing to a company's success motivates employees to exceed job expectations.
  • Peer-to-Peer - Peer approval quickly reinforces positive behaviors and increases comradery between co-workers.
  • Contests - Motivate individuals to achieve goals in a fun environment that acts as a team-building opportunity.
  • Custom Opportunities - Every company has its own set of unique goals and challenges. Let us create a custom solution for you.

Design a program that gives employees gift cards, free meals, company swag, or other desired rewards. 

Positive Feedback

Everyone likes to know when they’ve done something valuable. That’s why it’s important to recognize and acknowledge good performance. This shows that you care on a personal and professional level.

It’s a simple concept, but one that is often overlooked. Be specific with your employees in what they’ve accomplished rather than offering a simple “good job.” Whether in-person or electronically, consistent positive feedback cultivates a strong company culture. 

Positive feedback can also feel a little sweeter with some merch attached. Simple branded products like mugs, cups, pens, or notebooks are a great way to give something physical alongside the kind words.

Shopping Spree for Branded Merchandise

One final idea is offering a shopping spree of branded merchandise from your company line. Most companies carry this out at the end of the year, but you can also tie it to an employee’s birthday or company anniversary. 

A great way to do this is to set-up an online company store and offer company sponsored spending accounts. Choose between bags, blankets, mugs, or company swag; this is the perfect opportunity to recognize hard work (and clear out old products to make way for the new). To put the icing on the cake, you’ll be able to promote your business through these products. It’s a win-win situation.

Customize Your Recognition Solutions with QRG

QRG is a customer-driven, single-source commercial printer, branded merchandise agency, and direct marketing firm tailored to meet your business goals. Our corporate identity solutions create deep connections with a lasting impact on your audience. Our company stores make it easy to build effective recognition programs.

Streamlined Recognition Solutions

QRG is a customer-driven, single-source commercial printer, branded merchandise agency, and direct marketing firm tailored to meet your business goals. Our corporate identity solutions create deep connections with a lasting impact on your audience. Learn more about how it works and check out our website for more information.

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