Tools for Creating Work-Life Balance at Home

The world has been full of twists and turns lately. We’re experiencing things that nobody ever has before. Social distancing has resulted in the majority of the workforce working from home. While working remotely offers plenty of benefits, ranging from scheduling flexibility to wearing sweatpants every day, it also presents challenges.

Did you know that 4.3 million employees in the US work remotely for at least half of the week? Globally, a little over half the workforce works remotely at least once every week.These people are accustomed to being independently productive, but for the remainder, this is uncharted territory. One of the biggest challenges workers are faced with staying at home is separating work from home life.

As we are now all confined in the corners of our own homes, finding a work-life balance is more important than ever. It’s easy to get sucked into the duties of work and neglect our minds and bodies in stressful times. Or maybe it’s the opposite for some people, where being in the comfort of their own home makes it harder to sit down and focus on work, with children needing extra attention and household chores glaring them in the face.

Fortunately, there is a journal for every problem! Everything has gone digital, especially now, so a journal provides a necessary break from the screen. Planning, compartmentalizing, organizing and practicing mindfulness can all be accomplished with a journal.

Nova Journal with Holographic Foil Imprint, Work From Home Insert & Annabelle Pen

Journals are multifunctional when working from home. Any of our journals can be used to take notes, make to-do lists, practice gratitude or simply…journal! It’s a stressful time for everyone and having somewhere to write your experiences and thoughts is incredibly therapeutic. To help with the adjustment, we created a Work From Home insert that includes tips for managing your time while working remotely. 

Ask Me Later Full-Color TravelerNotes NotePad w/ Printed Inside Cover and Dot Grid Filler

While navigating working remotely, it’s important to set boundaries and schedules for work and play. This means for kids too. Whether they’re doing schoolwork or playing games, if it is time for the adult in the household to focus on other tasks, kids need to know when it is appropriate to ask questions. Using our Ask Me Later Full-Color TravelerNotes NotePad is a great way to teach kids boundaries and how to be self-reliant when working individually. This book comes allows kids to track every thought that pops into their heads while saving it for a better time to get the full responses they desire and deserve.

Here’s hoping these ideas can help you find some sort of calm during this crazy time. Remember, QRG is still here to help! Contact a QRG Sales Rep to get your next project started!

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