As we round out 2023, it’s time to look ahead to the next year. Below are five promotional product trends that we’re seeing emerge and expect to increase in popularity in 2024.


Name Brands

Big name retail brands carry clout with employees and customers alike. As these brands continue to grow, they remain in the collective consciousness by trending on social media sites like TikTok and X. This inspires an increased desire that extends to promotional swag, allowing you to incorporate what’s already popular into your own brand strategy.

Related Content: Essential Looks from Top Brands

Lifestyle Products

When selecting products for your team, consider lifestyle brands and pieces that will be used away from work. In 2024, items in categories like beauty, entertainment, fitness, hobbies, and housewares make a better impression with recipients versus traditional office-themed supplies.

Sustainable Products

Sustainability continues to be top-of-mind for brands, businesses, and buyers and we anticipate additional trend growth in 2024. With more and more eco-friendly options available in every industry, it’s a high likelihood that these products will soon be required, or at least preferred, for many consumers. 

Related Content: Everyday Eco Lookbook

Smart Products

Technology continues to advance at a rapid rate, and your promotional swag needs to keep pace with the times. Smart products have grown into non-traditional tech areas like water bottles, notebooks, backpacks, and home goods. These cutting-edge items all make for attractive promotional products that help bring about the future.

Fewer Gifts, Higher-Value

When creating a kit or gift box, aim for higher-value products - even if that means offering fewer overall items. Both clients and employees are more receptive to promotional swag that provides value to them – whether it’s the perceived value of a name brand, the practical value of everyday use, or both. Cheaper bulk items like pens and keychains don’t carry as much emotional weight and, often, are quickly discarded as junk.

Related Content: How to Get Employees Excited About Company Swag


Customize Your Branded Merchandise with QRG

From choosing the right product(s), to getting your design and logos done correctly, to organizing drop-ship locations, the process of offering branded merchandise can be a hassle. 

Luckily, QRG specializes in these marketing solutions and will handle your next project from start to finish so there’s no worry involved.

We offer everything from promotional products to identity apparel and uniforms, printed materials, custom online stores, and much more. When deciding on your next branding adventure, let us help coordinate the selection, design, decoration, and production of your logo’d merchandise. Bring your brand to life with custom merchandise from QRG!

QRG is a customer-driven, single-source commercial printer, branded merchandise agency, and direct marketing firm tailored to meet your business goals. Our corporate identity solutions create deep connections with a lasting impact on your audience. Learn more about how it works and check out our website for more information. 

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