Creating the best online experience for customers

Making the online customer experience seamless is critical to a brand’s digital success. Recent studies found that 75% of customer management executives and leaders rated customer experience a 5 on a scale of 1-5 (5 being of the highest importance). Take a closer look at our recommendations for making your online presence better for consumers.

Navigation. Creating an online experience includes having an efficient navigation for SEO since it directly affects a customer’s experience. Make sure the website is easy to navigate at every level and has a consistent design throughout each page. An intuitive design grabs customers’ attention, which makes for a better overall experience. Also, keep in mind that every website needs to be designed for both desktop and mobile use.

Loading. If your website isn’t loading in a few seconds, consumers are never going to wait to see what the brand has to offer. Spend the time and energy to ensure it loads quickly on desktops and mobiles to help keep the interest of prospects and elevate the customer experience. We also suggest optimizing all e-commerce features for mobile since 62% of smartphone users have made a purchase online using their mobile device in the last six months.

Content. Even though content is king, we suggest being selective about the copy on the landing page and commonly used pages. These pages should have a purpose and explain features, products and/or services but also be concise. If a customer is interested in learning more, send them to another page with more details on the benefits and next steps. Also consider using high-quality images to convey quality and value, instead of common stock images.

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