Case Study: Wheelie Important Paperwork

Market: Automotive

Objective: A motorcycle dealership wanted professional, branded document pouches to hold important paperwork for new customers to take home after their motorcycle purchase. They also wanted to help returning customers keep service and maintenance records organized.

Product: Custom Document Pouches

Personalization: The motorcycle dealership used a full-color photograph of a motorcycle against a sunset sky background with their logo overlaid on a black band. White boxes under the flap were left blank for service technicians to record notes about the bike’s maintenance records. The logo and artwork were provided by the customer.

Method of Distribution: After the purchase of a new motorcycle, each customer was given a document pouch with important paperwork including service history report, title, and receipt of purchase.

Marketing Outcome: The motorcycle dealership increased their professional branding with these custom printed pouches and saw a boost in repeat service business from their customers as a result.

Source: Warwick Publishing

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