Case Study: Enhancing Company Initiatives with Branded Promo Items

Wondering how branded promotional products can help your business achieve both internal and external initiatives? Check out this quick excerpt about a company's use of branded promotional products, in their efforts to reach health objectives:

As part of a new corporate wellness program, the company examined in this case study wanted to stress the importance of healthy nutrition to its employees. Along with literature, discount memberships at a local health club, and coupons for use at community health food stores, employees were presented with a mug to promote better meal habits. The Soup Mug Soupreme was selected from QRG's wide range of health-focused products, for its tie-in to the theme of wellbeing.

The mugs were presented to employees upon completion of their personal "Goal Chart", which detailed their plans to "build a healthier me." Within just three months, nearly 30% of the employees met their "healthy me goals." The soup mugs are now seen in the office and warehouse throughout the day and have become a staple in the work environment. Beyond its usefulness, these mugs are also a constant reminder of the wellness program that is now in place.

The response to the Soup Mug Soupreme by employees was so positive that the company is planning to also use this as a client gift in the future. Encouragement and goal-setting that is tied into a promotional reward was effective at an internal level and has now lead to the sharing of this advice and product with external associates. This is a great example of how even small, branded products can often go a long way in their results!


Source: VisionUSA

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